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Message 26315 - Posted: 14 Jul 2012 | 5:23:59 UTC

Hi Folks

I've landed a work unit which isn't going to be finished by the deadline of this evening, it still has around 45hrs to go. Is there any process to get the deadline pushed back a few days? The unit is 2HDQ_42_6-PAOLA_2HDQbis-0-100-RND0568_1


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Message 26319 - Posted: 14 Jul 2012 | 8:23:50 UTC - in response to Message 26315.
Last modified: 14 Jul 2012 | 8:24:44 UTC

No, if it's not going to finish in time then abort it. Also check that your card is capable of running tasks at GPUGrid. I cannot see your card details as you have hidden your system.

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Message 26321 - Posted: 14 Jul 2012 | 18:01:50 UTC

Capable? Well...yes and no. Yes because it has completed units as recently as 11th Jul. No, because it's below your minimum spec - being a GT220 with a CC of 1.2.

It'd probably have competed this unit as well, but I extended my BOINC client cache to grab a few beta WU's over at WCG when they were being issued and it sucked down a GPU Grid WU too early. So it was sitting waiting to run for a few days. Normally I run with a 0.3 day cache to avoid this problem.

TBH I'm only running GPU Grid to get some experience of installing/upgrading CUDA on my linux box in preparation for WCG launching a GPU project. The GPU Grid WU's are to validate it's working correctly as WCG GPU betas are very thin on the ground.

At the point WCG launches a GPU capable project I'll be upgrading my graphics card to whatever is the best value for money cruncher at the time.

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Message 26323 - Posted: 15 Jul 2012 | 13:16:40 UTC - in response to Message 26321.

Sounds like you know what your doing, and just forgot to select 'No new tasks' for GPUGrid before increasing your cache - in the rush to grab a Beta ;)

There is a big learning curve for GPU crunching, it's not set and forget as with some CPU projects. It's more hands on, more problems but also more credit.

Who knows when WCG will officially start using their HCC GPU app for live data. They have been discussing using GPU's for years and testing for >6months. I did read something along the lines of sooner rather than later, but that doesn't actually mean anything.
What will be the best card for there will depend on many things, not least when it actually starts; there might be a new AMD series before it even starts and there is a very good chance some new GeForce 600's will turn up before then. The ATI cards generally seem to be faster, especially the newer series, but the HCC GPU tasks require significant CPU input in the run; CPU crunching, followed by a GPU portion and then another CPU portion (I discussed this there). Basically this means no matter which GPU you use the task is going to take x+y+z time, where x+z is the CPU runtime and y is the GPU time. For mid range cards the total CPU time is about the same as the GPU time, and for high end cards the CPU time is >>GPU time. Leaving CPU cores free also seems to expedite the runs, so you cant just throw more GPU's at it. Anyway, there is a limit to how much improvement the best card will make, and two very average cards will outperform a setup with one best card. So getting value for money there will be complicated. Another consideration will be reliability. Failure rates are quite high, on known good setups, and while the AMD cards might generally be faster, their failure rates might also be greater.

While my position tends to be, consider the research carefully, and get a card specifically to support the project you want to help, whatever the performance and reliability issues may be, you are going to have to wait an unknown amount of time before getting a card to contribute there. So you might want to consider a card for here, now or soon-ish. Something like a GT640 isn't expensive and is a good performer for a low end card. Supposedly in August some mid-range NVidia cards will arrive. Some of these might be excellent for here. These will probably all work at WCG too, and you can always get a recommended card for there when the time is right.
As you can see in the Science area here, much of the research being performed is cancer related and even cancer drug/treatment specific. Worth supporting? You decide.

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Message 26518 - Posted: 30 Jul 2012 | 16:49:01 UTC

I've been on GPUGrid for a week or 2 now, and i do think the WU deadline they have are a bit strict and frankly to short.

I have succesfully completed 1 out of 6 WU's in time, and that was only because I accidently left my computer online a night. As i read it, BOINC was designed to take over peoples computers when they did not use it fully. That means that a WU can take sometime to complete. I'm working on WCG aswell and thier deadlines ranger from 1 hours to 10, depending on the project and you have around 12-14 days to complete it. At GPU i get 7-14 hour WU and get 5 days to complete it.

I would love to help, and I try. But I do not have my computer running 24/7 everyday. I shut it of, go to work and turn it on until bed time. With in that timeframe I can barely finish a short GPUGrid WU.

A longer deadline would be nice.

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