Thanks for your reply, but "Please ignore the message. ..." is not a reasonable answer by GPUGrid.
"Such messages are always present in Windows" I'm not sure what "Such messages" is supposed to mean, but with over 40 years of working with computers, a Masters and a PhD and being a registered PE (a licensed Professional Engineer) ... I have never seen any other such messages.
"It's completely harmless.... not related to successful" well, there was no other error message in the task output, nor by my system, yet the task 'stalled' and wasted over 12 hours of GPU time on a not-that-bad GPU (NVidia GTX 1660 Ti). By wasted, I mean ASIDE from the actual processing time recorded to complete the task.
If the GPUGrid project is willing to ask for and accept the in-kind donations of people's GPU time, then GPUGrid has an obligation to do what they can to resolve problematic tasks and code
see several other threads created in the past week or so pointing out various issues with GPUGrid applications in Numer Crunching
PLEASE use the Notices tab in BIONC Manager to communicate info (or direct link to such info) regarding needed patches, mods, etc for GPUGird WUs to run properly. Other BOINC projects do extend such courtesy.
Thank you